Hello, I’m Tambra and I Have a Pinterest Addiction

I love Pinterest and can easily burn an hour or two there. If you go my spot you’ll quickly learn: I love Doctor Who, cooking, art crafts, Cairn Terriers, Fantasy/Steampunk and Vintage clothing and DIY stuff. I’m making boards for my books with how I see my characters or anything related to my stories, and that’s been something I’ve never done before.My Pinterest spot: https://www.pinterest.com/tambranicole/

I have Celiac, so I’m always open to good and easy gluten free recipes. There are some really nice recipes. In the future I’l love to try out some of them. I need to narrow the category down and choose.

I’ve found some Etsy vendors and bought some products.

I need to make a folder on my computer for all the information I want to keep on DIY natural cosmetics and household tips. Some form of organization to store all of this luscious knowledge. How do y’all manage your Pinterest goodies ? I’d love to hear what works for you!

All the best! Tambra